


Caramel & Crystal Malts

Crystal & Caramel malts are specialty grains used for adding both flavor and color to beer. They can be used as a steeping grain in extract brewing and as a percentage of the grist in all-grain brewing. Holding true to their name, they add a sweet caramel flavor and amber to darker tones to a beer depending on the SRM/L (Lovibond) rating. The lower the SRM/L rating the lighter the color & flavor. We carry a wide selection of both english & domestic crystal malts available in light, medium, dark and many other levels.

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Crystal vs Caramel malt

The term Crystal Malt originated in England in the late 1800's. The term Caramel malt came later and was used by some maltsters to refer to their crystal malts. Although they are very similar the name Crystal malt is reserved for malts that exhibit glassy like kernels. Essentially the name Caramel malt can be applied to malts that caramelized in both the kin & roaster. However the term Crystal malt is traditionally reserved for malts caramelized in the roaster.