


Electric All-Grain Brewing Systems

The era of the complete all-grain electric home brewery is upon us and it's an awesome time to be a home brewer! Wheather your looking for electric brew in a bag (eBIAB) systems like the Robobrew & GrainFather or a multi vessel systems like the Brewie, we have you covered. No need to worry about running out of propane or brewing out in the cold with these systems. Just simply plug in and start brewing amazing craft beer!

Need help deciding which eBIAB system is right for you? Check out our comparision chart below!



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Electric Homebrewery

In the past most all homebrewing systems were heated by direct fire. Meaning you needed natural gas or propane to heat your brewing kettle. In the last several years though electric brewing has taken the homebrewing world by storm. Leading the charge (electric pun intended) is single vessel systems like the BrewZilla, formerly called the Robobrew. These brewing systems save you space and money on equipment by including the brew kettle and mash tun into one vessel. You simply mash your grain and then elevate the basket to allow it to drain. Once this is finished you proceed to the boil in your electric kettle!