


BrewZilla & DigiBoil

The BrewZilla previously called Robobrew all grain brewing systems are the ultimate value all in one electric brewing devices. They utilize a single vessel so they are ideal for homebrewers with limited space or looking to downsize from a larger 3 vessel system. Available in different sizes & configurations you can select the BrewZilla that best fits your brewing application. Also be sure to check out the DigiBoil & DigiMash systems, they do not have some of the features like automated step mashing and built in pump. But the lower cost makes them great units for first time all-grain brewers or someone looking to add an electric HLT or MT to your existing setup.




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All-in-One eBIAB (Electric Brew In A Bag) Systems

The term eBIAB stands for Electric Brew In A Bag. Brew in a bag first gained popularity in the mid 2000's and is rumored to have started in Australia. To learn More! about BIAB brewing check out our article on it "A Look At Brewing Beer In A Bag (BIAB)". Seeing as Australia is credited with starting the BIAB movement it's only fitting they developed what is arguably the best and most popular eBIAB unit on the market, the BrewZilla formerly called the Robobrew!

How are eBIAB systems different from other brewing systems?

The main difference is the amount of vessels needed. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's start with the "e" in eBIAB. It stands for electric, which at the time when BIAB brewing first gained popularity was not as readily available. Most brewers were still using propane or natural gas for their heating sources. As previously mentioned, the main advantage to BIAB brewing is; you only need one vessel. With traditional all-grain brewing you had a HLT (Hot Liquor Tank) a MT (Mash Tun) and a BK (Boil Kettle). You also needed a heat source to heat your strike & sparge water and boil your wort. Electric brew in a bag combines all of these vessels into one and allows you to simply plug into a standard 110v socket in your house or apartment. This not only brings down the cost of equipment needed to start brewing it also cuts down on the vessels you need to clean. Which, if you ever helped someone brew beer or brewed yourself know that a majority of brewing is cleaning!