The 2018 April Fool's Day joke that's still kicking around. Guaranteed to be our only beer recipe that literally sparkles!
Includes Magnum, Crystal, Saphir, Citra®, Centennial, and Amarillo® hops
Estimated ABV: 5.4%
Estimated IBUs: 27-28
Makes 5 gallons of finished beer
When someone breaks wind it's only natural to plug your nose and cover your mouth, but this mythical fart will leave you gulping instead of gasping. With a simple malt bill and long list of citrusy hop additions, Unicorn Fart Pale Ale is as light-bodied as a cloud, with flavors as bright and vibrant as a rainbow. Oh, and it SPARKLES! Each kit comes with a small jar of food-grade edible glitter that will surely set it apart from anything you've ever brewed. Lure in curious beer lovers (or even some magical beasts) with the eye-popping presentation of Unicorn Fart Pale Ale. They won't regret coming close enough to take a whiff of this extraodinary glitter beer.
Makes 5 gallons
Estimated Original Gravity:1.056-58
SRM (Color Range): 5.9 (plus sparkles)
IBU's: 27-28
Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 5.1-5.7%
Our recipe kits DO NOT include grain bags, yeast or priming sugar. To find our yeast recommendations, choose your preferred kit option above and then select the drop-down menu under “Yeast Options”. For more info, click on the recommended yeast(s) below in the “You Might Also Need” section below. All grains will come milled, unless you select unmilled base malts.