Make a yeast starter in no time flat using premade, condensed wort—just mix with water and add yeast!
Skip the messy, time-consuming process of making a yeast starter with DME—no boiling or cooling required
Keep Propper Starter™ on hand for whenever brewing inspiration strikes—shelf stable for 2 years with no need to refrigerate
Propper Starter™ is condensed wort in a can, allowing you to make a yeast starter in minutes! No need to make a mess in the kitchen measuring out DME, and no need to waste time boiling and cooling before you pitch your yeast. Simply open a can of Propper Starter™, pour it into your flask along with 16 oz of bottled or distilled water, then add your yeast. It's that simple!
One can of Propper Starter™ with 16 oz of water will make a 1L starter with a gravity of 1.040. It is recommended to use the 1:1 dilution rate, regardless of the original gravity of your wort.
Making a proper yeast starter will offer higher cell counts at the time the yeast is pitched, leading to faster, healthier fermentations and better tasting beer! They're especially recommended for lagers and any beer that has an original gravity of 1.060 or higher.
Sanitize flask, stir bar, top of can and yeast pack
Swirl and open can, then pour contents into flask
Add 16 oz of bottled or distilled water to flask
Pitch yeast and swirl flask to mix
Add stir bar to flask, cover with foil, and mix on stir plate*
Shelf life of 24 months. Refrigeration not required.
*Note: the use of a stir plate is not required for making a yeast starter, but is highly recommended, as it will further increase cell count through continuous aeration. For recommended stir plates and Erlenmeyer flasks, see below under "You Might Also Need".
BEST ANSWER:I will answer my own question. Yes you can as long as you have a true 2 liter flask. My so called 2 liter Pyrex flask is really only graduated to1800 ML while my generic one holds 2000 ML with room to spare.the Krausen came close to the top but soon settled down. I don't think I would recommend trying it without a stir plate.
BEST ANSWER:I will answer my own question. Yes you can as long as you have a true 2 liter flask. My so called 2 liter Pyrex flask is really only graduated to1800 ML while my generic one holds 2000 ML with room to spare.the Krausen came close to the top but soon settled down. I don't think I would recommend trying it without a stir plate.
I started with one 16oz can Propper and 16oz RO water - After 24 hrs I added one more can 16oz Propper and only 8oz of water (this put the SG back to around 1.040 with existing solution). I used a stir plate with FermCap drops so the krausen wouldn't creep out the top of the 2L Erlenmeyer flask into my air lock. I had extremely healthy, proliferate, active yeast after 48 hrs from one Whitelabs Yeast pouch.
One can is 16 oz, and the instructions on this page suggest adding 16 oz of water, which would make 32 oz total. This is equal to a quart, not a liter as stated, right?
BEST ANSWER:Fermaid or yeast nutrient are not required. I have used Propper yeast starter both with and without yeast nutrient and have been very happy with the results both ways.
BEST ANSWER:Fermaid or yeast nutrient are not required. I have used Propper yeast starter both with and without yeast nutrient and have been very happy with the results both ways.
No just add 16 oz of distilled water and your yeast and you are good to go. You will need to mix on a stir plate in a flask with the top covered in foil for 24 hours so plan ahead.
BEST ANSWER:I suppose it depends on what you mean. Making a yeast starter for beer lower than 1.060 OG? If so, yeast starters are still essential in my opinion. Yeast need love and a healthy pitch will give you a hearty beer. Of course that’s removing any other variables/factors that a brewer may desire regarding yeast and it’s characteristics at certain pitch rates. Relax, don’t worry, pitch using a starter, and have a much better homebrew
BEST ANSWER:I suppose it depends on what you mean. Making a yeast starter for beer lower than 1.060 OG? If so, yeast starters are still essential in my opinion. Yeast need love and a healthy pitch will give you a hearty beer. Of course that’s removing any other variables/factors that a brewer may desire regarding yeast and it’s characteristics at certain pitch rates. Relax, don’t worry, pitch using a starter, and have a much better homebrew
BEST ANSWER:Yes. That is correct. I add one can into my 2L erlinmeyer flask then fill the can with clean (RO/distilled/spring) water and pour that into the flask too. This method will rinse out the can at the same time.
BEST ANSWER:Yes. That is correct. I add one can into my 2L erlinmeyer flask then fill the can with clean (RO/distilled/spring) water and pour that into the flask too. This method will rinse out the can at the same time.
It is entirely dependent on your SG and yeast pitching rate, but (properly diluted) this will make approximately 1 liter starter, which is typical for a lot of 5 gallon recipes.
BEST ANSWER:one half would seem right to me for ales. i'd consider freezing the other half for your next batch to keep it out of harm's way. i haven't tried this myself as i brew five gallons and use a full can.
BEST ANSWER:one half would seem right to me for ales. i'd consider freezing the other half for your next batch to keep it out of harm's way. i haven't tried this myself as i brew five gallons and use a full can.
I used water straight from my RO filter with success - however I also knew that the beer would be consumed quickly. YMMV - if you have time to boil and cool the added water, definitely a good idea to do it.
I tend to agree. I trust bottled water to go down my gullet and be sterilized by my gastric acid... I don't really trust it with my poor, fragile, defenseless starter... so either way, I'm boiling. I suppose not boiling DME (and it's associated gross sticky boilovers) is a pretty handy perk...
BEST ANSWER:The materials used on the label forces us to add a prop 65 warning. There is nothing touching your beer that is subject to the prop 65 restrictions.
BEST ANSWER:The materials used on the label forces us to add a prop 65 warning. There is nothing touching your beer that is subject to the prop 65 restrictions.
The package was missing 1 of 4 cans, amongst other items, and the replacement package was missing the 1 can so MoreBeer felt bad and sent me a free 4 pack for the 3rd package which was nice.
I'm new to brewing and did the research before buying. I saw videos on how folks were creating starters with dry yeast and the steps involved plus the time invested. This prompted me to go the route of Propper Starter and it was super easy. The instructions are on the can and you can create your starter in approximately 5 minutes.
I used a 1 liter flask and added 16 oz of water in addition to the Propper Starter and the hungry hippo yeast foamed up out of the flask. I recommend using less water or using a larger flask (2 liter).
expensive and I usually sparge some additional wart when doing lighter beers and freeze it for future starters, but in a pinch just pop it open and you are good to go!!!
Really easy way to make a yeast starter! Product seems high quality and my yeast (WL London Ale) was very happy with it. ;-) I ended up with about 1/4" of yeast sediment in the Erlenmeyer flask after about 40 hours! Definitely recommend.
Used it with my last 2 higher gravity beers ( a juicy IPA and a hazy). Bubbled like crazy starting on brew night and had to use a blow off tube on both batches.
I have never had it so easy. This product is a small batch brewer's friend. I just followed product instructions to the letter and it worked. No more calculating starters for 5 gallon batches for me. Thank you More Beer for this recommendation.
I really didn't want to spend the money on canned wort, but MoreBeer's affordable prices tempted me into trying it - I was tired of rushing through making starter wort. After the first use, I'm hooked! My stove is so much more clean now that I don't have to deal with hot break for a starter, nothing, nothing.... VOLCANO, lol.
This stuff is great! Had been using canned wort from another supplier but they hadn’t had any in stock for over a year. Propper starter seems to work even nicer than the brand that I had been using. Not to mention the fact that boiling DME is a thing of the past!
I am a big fan of Omega yeast and this is the best way to make a starter. Yes, it may be a little pricey, but I have kids and don't always have the time or the patience to fiddle with cooking up and cooling a starter. What more could you want? Sterlize open the can, add water, add your yeast, put it on the stir plate and done. In my opinion, the convenience is worth the price charged.
This made all the difference in the world on fermentation in the 2 beers I've used it with. Fermented quicker and will better results than I've ever had.
This was my first time using a Yeast Starter like Propper and it seemed to work very well. I bought a 4 pack so I'll know more about it as I use it. Very Easy !
Propper starter worked great. It was easy and don't need to use the stove. It was my first yeast starter, so nothing to compare to yet. Expense vs effort was good for me. There are so many other things to worry about anyway.
I've been using this lately for my 1L starters. For me it is not cost effective for 2L and 4L starters, but for that first 1L starter, this is definitely the way to go. Crack the can open, add a can worth of distilled water, and you are off and running. This cuts every bit of 25 minutes of making a 1L starter. Fabulous Product!
Great Product for High Gravity Beers (and super easy)
Worked great for a yeast starter I mixed for a Belgian dubbel I'm brewing. Based on the viciousness of my blow off during fermentation, I am confident that this product gave my yeast the omph for the high gravity that I'm looking for. Super easy to use.
I wish I had tried this sooner. I had been making my yeast starters the traditional way with DME and boiling and cooling the flask. This is so much easier and no chance to burn you hands with the hot flask and boiling wort.