2.8 °L - Great Western. Same as the Domestic 2-row malt but has slightly more color and a drier flavor. This malt is more like the British Pale Malt.
Example Malt Analysis:
% Assortment
7/64" 63.5
6/64" 27.2
5/64" 7.2
Thru 5/64" 2.1
Chemical Analysis
Moisture, % 3.9
Extract %, finely ground malt, as is 77.7
Extract %, finely ground malt, dry basis 80.9
Extract %, coarsley ground malt, as is 77.0
Extract %, coarsley ground malt, dry basis 80.1
F/C Difference % 0.8
Color, laboratory Wort, degrees Lovibond 2.8
Viscosity 1.46
Beta Glucan, ppm 80
Diastatic Power 134
Alpha Amylase (DU) 59.3
Total Soluble Protein %, dry basis 5.58
Total Protein %, dry basis 12.57
S/T Ratio % 44.4
Conversion, minutes 5-7
Aroma of Mash Aromatic
Filtration Time Normal
Clarity of Wort 8
If this malt is currently out of stock or you'd like to try out a different maltster, please see the substitution chart below.