

Clear Soft Belgian Candi Sugar (Blanc)

Clear Soft Belgian Candi Sugar (Blanc)

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Soft Candi Sugars can be preferred over candi syrups for their ease of storage and boil addition. Blanc is a neutral white soft Candi Sugar ideal for Tripels, Saison and Biere de Garde or anywhere increased gravity is required.

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MoreFlavor Store
Belgian triple
Julio G on Aug 13, 2020
For Cicerone Study
Bradley N on Jun 30, 2020
Belgian triple
Julio G on Aug 13, 2020
Belgian recipes.
Frank C on Jul 9, 2020
For Cicerone Study
Bradley N on Jun 30, 2020
I like sugar
Bradley R C on Mar 6, 2020
brewing a belgian tripel
Ed W on Mar 22, 2019
Price and quantity met my needs.
Craig A on Dec 29, 2018
Just the thing for a Belgian tripel or abbey ale.
Ryan K on Dec 24, 2018
Belgian recipes.
Frank C on Jul 9, 2020
I like sugar
Bradley R C on Mar 6, 2020

3.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
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Rated 1 out of 5
Not Pleased, Going back to Belgian Clear Rock Candi
This ingredient seemed to not ferment in my 16 Gal batch that I've brewed many times with great success:

3 lbs Rice Hulls (Briess) (0.0 SRM)
55 lbs Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM)

5 lbs Candi Sugar, Clear (Used Clear Soft Belgin Candi Sugar)
6.00 oz Saaz Pellet Hops [5.00 %] - Boil 15.0 min
3.00 oz Styrian Golding (Savinja Golding) [5.00 %] - Boil 15.0 min
36.00 g Coriander Seed (Boil 10.0 mins)
12.00 g Ginger, Crystallized (Boil 5.0 mins)
12.00 g Paradise Seed (Boil 5.0 mins)

4.0 pkg Belgian Strong Ale (Wyeast Labs #1388) [124.21 ml] (With starter)

Achieved OG of 1.090. Oxygenated the wort as it went into my 1/2 BBL SS Brewtech conical fermenter with full temperature control at 72 degrees for fermentation. Fermentation came to a screeching halt at 1.055 on an estimated 1.010 FG (normal FG for me has been 1.012.) I even re-pitched 2 more #1388 packs after a new starter and didn't budge.

Beer has many qualities of my Belgian beer that I'm used to. No off flavors, but so damn sweet that I'm sure I'm going to get Diabetes from it. Not sure if I'm going to be able to continue to drink it.

I've never written a review before on an ingredient but felt compelled after my great disappointment.

Never using again. Going back to regular Belgian rock candi sugar.
December 12, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5
Bulk clear candi sugar
MoreBeer had the best online price for the 50 lb pail of blanc candi sugar. The sugar came in its own sealed 7.5 gallon bucket and will remain usable for a long time. Great for Tripple and Golden Strong ales.
January 12, 2019
over 6 years ago