If you want to learn the art of homebrewing, this book is the place to start.
How To Brew contains basic information for the first time brewer and technical information for the Master Brewer. This was the first book to include legitimate in-depth information on all-grain brewing at home. The author is a passionate homebrewer and a metallurgist by trade. There is a great section on the different metals involved in brewing and how to treat and care for them. The information in this book is so valuable, you will continue to refer back to it year after year--we know we do.
This is a new and updated version of How To Brew with more emphasis on the "top five priorities":
Fermentation Temperature Control
Proper Yeast Management
The Boil
The Recipe
There are also 5 new chapters:
Malting and Brewing
Strong Beers
Fruit Beers
Sour Beers
Adjusting Water for Style