


How does one ferment in corny kegs?

Fermenting in a corny is the same as any other fermentation vessel with a couple of added issues. The first issue is the blow off. You can under fill a keg (3-4 gallons) and use a hose from the gas-in fitting to a bucket of water. The drawback to this method is the gas-in fitting is easily clogged if there should be major krausen formed.

The other issue is being able to rack off the yeast. We have used three methods to accomplish this task. One is to hook a piece of clear line to the beverage-out fitting and push the yeast out first. (If you are ambitious you can save this yeast for the next batch.) When the beer is running clear you start to collect the beer. The second method is to shorten the dip tube to above the yeast. This can be done with a tubing cutter. Usually 1/2" to 5/8" is enough. The third method is to use a racking arm mounted into the keg lid. You start the transfer and lower the racking cane until you just see yeast start to transfer and then you raise the racking cane slightly. Make sure to disassemble the fittings and sanitize them each time.

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