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to $64.99
German Pilsner Malt - Weyermann® Specialty Malts
1.6 L - Weyermann® German Pilsner malt. A classic German Pilsner malt that is a great base for all German Lagers as well as Belgian beers. German Pilsner malt will contribute a substantial body and mouthfeel when used as a base malt. (1.6°L)
If this malt is currently out of stock or you'd like to try out a different maltster, please see the substitution chart below.
What is the DP of this Malt? Wish the DP was included in all Malts shown and sold as it’s nice to have that information when brewing with crystals, roasted and specialty Malts. Thanks 😊
I've used this on my last 3 beers as the bulk of my grain bill. It is so delicious. Crisp yet interesting. All 3 times I have used it in a 60 minute boil and I've never been dinged for DMS with it even in competition. It's just awesome. My go to base malt for most of my recipes.