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CaraRed® Malt - Weyermann® Specialty Malts
16 - 23 °L - Weyermann® - For any beer in which a reddish color is desired, such as Scotch Ales, Browns, and Bocks. It also provides a full body and a nice, malty aroma to the beer.
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Thank you for your review and congrats on your good score at the comp. This malt definitely is a little light in color to create the richer red colors you were probably hoping for. This creates more of that classic german amber color we see in your photo. For red beers we like to use a tiny dash of black malt (around 2oz per 5 gallons depending on crush) or some of the medium caramel or biscuit malts around 50-70L. Cheers!
May 27, 2020
Malcolm l
Rated 5 out of 5
American Red Ale
I will not brew my American Red Ale without this malt. Makes up 8% of my grain bill along with 2 row, golden promise, victory and melanoidin. Excellent red color, strong malty flavor and aroma, and a smoother lingering head and finish
I had a recipe that called for carapils and caramel. I reduced those values (using beer smith) and added some carared and loved the results. Good smooth body, foamy head, and spot on color.