Our Signature Series kits offer a selection of crazy, unique beers developed by MoreBeer! customers, associates, and homebrewing legends!
Sweeter than a standard pilsner, but still crisp and refreshing. Guaranteed to satisfy the in-laws
Includes 100% Saaz hops
Estimated ABV: 4.3%
Estimated IBUs: 35-39
Makes 5 gallons of finished beer
Charlie Essers (AKA Push Eject) has been a longtime friend of MoreBeer, The Brewing Network, and homebrewers in general. Dubbed "one of the nicest guys in homebrewing" by those who know him, Push wanted us to have this recipe that he brews whenever his father-in-law comes for a visit. Push says: "My family has been supportive of all the brewing gadgets and scattered projects including my "dark-beer-phobic" father-in-law. This recipe is an Americanized pilsner that I have evolved for him over the years. Sweeter than a standard pilsner, but still crisp and refreshing, I can't keep this around long in the Summer months." Push began brewing in 1999 after buying a starter homebrew kit as a bad joke for a friend who earned a DUI and getting one for himself as well on impulse at the register. After going all grain in 2002, it was clear that automation was a necessity in his process, and his love of brewing gadgets was born. His first stand was designed and built in 2003 and his first Wort-O-Matic control panel in 2006. These led to the launch of wortomatic.com and a close relationship with MoreBeer! and The Brewing Network. Try Push's beer out and let him know what you think - Hopefully it keeps your father-in-law happy, too!
Makes 5 gallons
Estimated Original Gravity: 1.042-46
SRM (Color Range): 4-5
IBUs: 35-39
Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 4.2-4.4%

Our recipe kits DO NOT include grain bags, yeast or priming sugar. To find our yeast recommendations, choose your preferred kit option above and then select the drop-down menu under “Yeast Options”. For more info, click on the recommended yeast(s) below in the “You Might Also Need” section below. All included steeping grains will come milled.
Liquid Malt Extract (LME) vs. Dried Malt Extract (DME)
MoreBeer! recipe kits are offered in both Liquid Malt Extract and Dry Malt Extract so that our customers can choose the format that best suits their needs and brewing style. LME is a viscous liquid, similar in consistency to maple syrup. In addition to being the more affordable option, many brewers find LME easier to handle than dry extract. DME is more condensed and comes in a powder format that is similar to baking flour. Although it’s a little more costly, DME is naturally lighter in color and stays fresher for longer. We highly recommend DME when brewing light colored beers.