BEST ANSWER:Good question. I had a similar situation with some 4 year old paper. Since the 4 year old paper was almost gone, I ran side by side tests with old and new. I thought the results were basically the same between the papers. I always store my paper in a dry, dark room inside the house and in a double zip lock - for what it’s worth. The paper is too darn expensive.
BEST ANSWER:Good question. I had a similar situation with some 4 year old paper. Since the 4 year old paper was almost gone, I ran side by side tests with old and new. I thought the results were basically the same between the papers. I always store my paper in a dry, dark room inside the house and in a double zip lock - for what it’s worth. The paper is too darn expensive.
My supply got to about 2 years old before I ran out and there was not sign of failure to react. I suspect that the paper is special only in that it has a controlled ph. and is free of odd contaminants. The wicking effect of the paper drawing up the orange solution seems more related to the high purity linen rag content of the paper and its ph that to anything else. Why don't you give a sheet a bench trial using Some wine samples whose malolactic population you know.via other means? .
I have some paper that is many years old -- more than 5 years. I only use two-three sheets per year I have it stored it at room temperature 68-74 degrees. The paper still works. I intend to keep using the paper until it doesn't appear to give reliable results or until it runs out.
My paper is almost 3 years old and works fine. The Beverage People in Santa Rosa are unaware of a shelf life limit as long as the paper is stored properly, average temperature and in the dark.
Robert, The paper in my original kit lasted 10 years and I never saw a problem. I got good results from every sheet. My recommendation is "don't toss it". GB