Originally grown in Northern England, Northern Brewer has become one of the main hops grown in the Hallertau region of Germany. Northern Brewer is a great dual-purpose hop that is more balanced than U.S. Northern Brewer, which has been decreasing in acreage in the states year after year. Northern Brewer hops are known for their grassy, herbal, and piney aromas. Mostly used in European ales, Stout, Porter, and Lambic, but also a staple ingredient in California Common.
Hop Statistics:
Alpha Acids: 9 – 10%
Beta Acids: 3 – 5%
Alpha-Beta Ratio: 1.8 – 3.33
Cohumulone: (% of alpha acids): 27 – 32%
Total Oils in mls per 100 grams dried: 1 – 1.6