Mt. Hood is an aromatic hop with low acid levels which make it very useful for mid boil hop additions. Expect an aroma of European style spice, herbs, and a pungent, resinous flavor. A great choice for a variety of lagers and ales.
Hop Statistics:
Alpha Acids: 4.0 – 8.0%
Beta Acids: 5.0 – 7.5%
Alpha-Beta Ratio: 0.53 – 1.6
Cohumulone: (% of alpha acids): 22 – 23%
Total Oils in mls per 100 grams dried: 1.6 – 3.4
Storage(% alpha acids remaining after 6 months storage at 68° F): 50 – 60%
Similar Hop Varieties: Hallertau, Hersbrucker