

Homebrew Kegging Kit | Pin Lock Keg | Used Keg

Homebrew Kegging Kit | Pin Lock Keg | Used Keg

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A complete setup for dispensing your homebrew like the pros. There are several advantages to a kegging system. The number one reason is that you no longer have to clean bottles. You will also enjoy drawing your own beer from a keg. Your friends won't mind either! This system is designed to include absolutely everything you need to dispense your homebrew on draft. Only the best equipment... dual gauge regulator, so you can tell the pressure in the keg, as well as what is left in the tank. Includes an Aluminum CO2 tank that will never rust. 5' of 3/16" ID beer line, so your beer drops to the correct pressure and does not excessively foam in the glass.

Included In Basic Homebrew Draft System:

• 5 gallon rebuilt Pin Lock Cornelius keg with new gaskets
• Beer line assembly with hand held style faucet
• New aluminum 5 lb CO2 tank
• Gas line assembly - Pin Lock
• Dual gauge regulator with check valve

The CO2 tanks are shipped empty. You can have them filled at a welding supply shop or see your Yellow Pages under Gas- Industrial, Medical.

Note: This homebrew draft system comes with PIN LOCK fittings.

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MoreFlavor Store
friend recommended site, looking to start kegging with home brewing
Brian B on Dec 5, 2018
Better reviews
Stephanie B on Feb 27, 2018
friend recommended site, looking to start kegging with home brewing
Brian B on Dec 5, 2018
Have an extra keg like it
Michael V on Apr 25, 2018
Better reviews
Stephanie B on Feb 27, 2018
Have an extra keg like it
Michael V on Apr 25, 2018
What is the difference between pin lock and ball lock kegs, and which is better?
David Williams on Feb 6, 2018
BEST ANSWER: The two types of kegs are just different without one being better or worse. Aside from the fittings the pin lock kegs are slightly wider and therefore harder to fit more into kegerators. Also the ball lock kegs are much more popular and easier to find parts and accessories for. In my experience the pin lock fittings will leak a tiny bit if you bump them or they aren't perfectly vertical. The ball lock fittings will sometimes get stuck and are hard to take off. Both kegs have their drawbacks but will serve you well.

4.8 / 5.0
17 Reviews
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Rated 5 out of 5
Keg System
Went with the pin lock system because of height. Looks great, clean and only a couple small dings which was expected.
January 28, 2022
over 3 years ago
Rated 5 out of 5
What are you waiting for!?!
Start kegging. Start today. You will not regret it. My one recommendation is to source out where you will have the CO2 tank filled ahead of time. It's no fun getting this system home and not being able to use it because you have no gas to power it.
May 31, 2015
Rated 5 out of 5
The only problem with this kit as far as I can tell is that you will need more kegs and a dedicated fridge for your beer once you get it!
May 5, 2015
Rated 4 out of 5
Great value starter
Whether it's pin or ball, this keg starting pack is great. The lines are the perfect length to avoid foamy beer or a backup of fluid into the regulator. The gaskets and poppets are new and in great condition. I actually lucked out and received a lid with a pressure relief valve (YMMV).

The CO2 tank (bear in mind that it's empty... you need to go fill it up) is just the right size for a single tank and can even accommodate more (provided you update your equipment to something like a secondary regulator e.g. https://www.morebeer.com/ct/?idx=6536760&i=16194&u=/products/secondary-regulator-2.html)

On that note, if you don't have a place nearby that will fill tanks (i.e. will only exchange), you may want to just purchase the equivalent parts sans the CO2 tank and purchase the first tank from your local distributor/LHBS.
May 5, 2015
Rated 5 out of 5
Great Starter Kit
This was the kit that I used to start kegging and it has served me well. All parts of the kit have performed perfectly through several kegs. One of the best investments that I've made since I started brewing.
May 20, 2014
Rated 5 out of 5
Everything I needed
Set up had everything needed to make the jump to kegging,haven't look back since.Been using without issue for over 2 years now.
May 18, 2014
Rated 5 out of 5
Best place to start
I was afraid to get into kegging as all my friends kept complaining that they always forgot to get some part or gadget when they went to the store. This kit makes life really easy. Everything that is needed to start kegging comes in the box.

One small detail that sometimes is not clear is, you will need to be able to bring down the beer to a "cold" temperature if you wish to force-carbonate it. You can also prime the beer with sugar just like you would in bottles if you don't mind a little sediment in the first couple of pours.
May 11, 2014
Rated 5 out of 5
No more bottles to clean
Draft home brew such a great thing. This keg starter system really saves so much time and puts the enjoyment back in home brewing. It can be very tedious cleaning bottle after bottle but with this keg and co2 set up clean only one vessel and enjoy your beer sooner with forced carbonation.

May 8, 2014
Rated 5 out of 5
Great product!
This was a great setup for me to finally move into kegging! The keg was in good shape and the CO2 tank and regulator were good quality pieces. The bad news for me is that I have to exchange tanks at my local gas distrbutor, so I came out with a less attractive tank. I definitely recommend this kit!
May 6, 2014
Rated 5 out of 5
Never bottling again.
Great set up. I got so fed up with bottling. In my opinion it pays for itself the first time. No more hassling with sanitizing bottles. Woo Hoo!
May 5, 2014