Feels like professional lab equipment and worth every penny
Made by leading brand in beer analysis but at a home user price.
Get Fast and Accurate gravity readings at any point in the brewing process even when alcohol is present
Connects and displays via free app on your phone or tablet
Based on oscillating u-tube principle which is known as world's most accurate testing method
Anton Paar is a leading producer of analytical testing equipment for commercial breweries. Borrowing some technology from their high end machines, the EasyDens digital gravity/alcohol tester is designed for savvy homebrewers and small commercial breweries. It is a precision gravity/density testing unit which can accurately read gravity with a tiny 2 ml sample at any point in the brewing process. Alcohol % can also be tracked at any point during fermentation. The unit hooks up to your smartphone via Bluetooth and stores various fermentation "profiles" enabling you to track fermentation progress, alcohol levels, and help know when it's time to keg & drink your beer!
See the documents tab for frequently asked questions about the Easy Dens.
Take a highly accurate gravity reading at any point in the brewing process even when alcohol is present.
Very fast and simple to use
Only uses 2ml of sample
Automatic Temperature Compensation
Connects and displays via free app on your phone or tablet
Based on oscillating u-tube principle which is known as world's most accurate testing method
Extremely durable
Measures in specific gravity and alcohol can be determined with original reading
App features graphing for gravity and alcohol
App stores batch records (10) and can email a batch record as a .csv for saving.
Mobile Apps:
Free mobile apps for each application
Brew Meister
Proof Meister
Wine Meister
Quick measurement
Fermentation tracking & visualization
Continuous tracking
ABV & Attenuation calculation based on OG & FG
Automatic Temperature Compensation
Stores batch records (unlimited amount included in premium)
Data export
Latest Updates to Meister Apps
New batch design with a more detailed user interface
Integrated beer style database
Recipe creation and management
Custom measurement values and labels
ABV measurement for light beer, hard seltzer, and cider with the EasyDens & SmartRef Combo (in addition to existing support for standard and strong beer, wine, liqueur, and kombucha)
Fermentation tracking for wine with SmartRef (previously only possible with EasyDens)
Calorie determination for measurements with EasyDens, SmartRef, and the EasyDens & SmartRef Combo in Brew Meister and Wine Meister
Tilt Hydrometer and RAPT Pill support in Brew Meister and Wine Meister
Operating System Android & iOS
Compatible with Apple Watch
Features Free: Basic features and all measurement units
BEST ANSWER:The New EasyDens and the EasyDens Gen 1. use the same measurement principle and a similar measurement cell. The core function remains the same. Both devices are supported by the Brew Meister for EasyDens app, which is available in your App Store / Play Store. Advantages of the New EasyDens:
-New design (smaller and lightweight) -Higher stability due to optimized and balanced layout -Faster connection due to new generation Bluetooth chip -Faster measurement -Higher accuracy -Dust and spray water protection (IP65 protection)
BEST ANSWER:The New EasyDens and the EasyDens Gen 1. use the same measurement principle and a similar measurement cell. The core function remains the same. Both devices are supported by the Brew Meister for EasyDens app, which is available in your App Store / Play Store. Advantages of the New EasyDens:
-New design (smaller and lightweight) -Higher stability due to optimized and balanced layout -Faster connection due to new generation Bluetooth chip -Faster measurement -Higher accuracy -Dust and spray water protection (IP65 protection)
BEST ANSWER:The New EasyDens and the EasyDens Gen 1. use the same measurement principle and a similar measurement cell. The core function remains the same. Both devices are supported by the Brew Meister for EasyDens app, which is available in your App Store / Play Store. Advantages of the New EasyDens:
-New design (smaller and lightweight) -Higher stability due to optimized and balanced layout -Faster connection due to new generation Bluetooth chip -Faster measurement -Higher accuracy -Dust and spray water protection (IP65 protection)
BEST ANSWER:The New EasyDens and the EasyDens Gen 1. use the same measurement principle and a similar measurement cell. The core function remains the same. Both devices are supported by the Brew Meister for EasyDens app, which is available in your App Store / Play Store. Advantages of the New EasyDens:
-New design (smaller and lightweight) -Higher stability due to optimized and balanced layout -Faster connection due to new generation Bluetooth chip -Faster measurement -Higher accuracy -Dust and spray water protection (IP65 protection)
BEST ANSWER:No, this will take specific gravity before and after fermentation so you can do the math or it will track abv that way. As for reporting ABV, it will only record distilled spirits, even the sugars in liqueur will throw it off. We use it for abv calculations in beer, and I ran it through all of the spirits in our bar. Pretty cool/accurate tool, but won’t tell you abv of a fermented beverage without taking OG and FG
BEST ANSWER:No, this will take specific gravity before and after fermentation so you can do the math or it will track abv that way. As for reporting ABV, it will only record distilled spirits, even the sugars in liqueur will throw it off. We use it for abv calculations in beer, and I ran it through all of the spirits in our bar. Pretty cool/accurate tool, but won’t tell you abv of a fermented beverage without taking OG and FG
I wonder why this can’t work for ongoing fermenting wine? It would make sense to be able to use this to track the S.G.(specific gravity) throughout the process. I know I would invest in this if I knew it would replace my hydrometer and glads tube, since getting the juice apart from the grape skins into the tube is a pain.
BEST ANSWER:We replaced our hydrometers with this in our brewpub. It accurately tracks gravity and ABV as fermentation moves along as long as you got your starting gravity. What it can't do is measure ABV with a single measurement unless its a higher proof Liquor. The residual sugars mess with the reading. I've even tried it on liqueurs and the sugar throws the abv reading off. But if you keep it in the gravity measurements setting and track as you go, it will give you an abv and gravity readout and a graph showing temp vs gravity which then correlates to abv. I hope that this helps
BEST ANSWER:We replaced our hydrometers with this in our brewpub. It accurately tracks gravity and ABV as fermentation moves along as long as you got your starting gravity. What it can't do is measure ABV with a single measurement unless its a higher proof Liquor. The residual sugars mess with the reading. I've even tried it on liqueurs and the sugar throws the abv reading off. But if you keep it in the gravity measurements setting and track as you go, it will give you an abv and gravity readout and a graph showing temp vs gravity which then correlates to abv. I hope that this helps
To my knowledge you can toggle between SG and Brix in the unit so it should work well for your purposes. I use it to monitor my ongoing fermentation in beer. Right now I'm taking readings about every 2 - 3 days. I love that it only requires a small sample versus a full hydrometer sample for each reading. I take my reading from a small sample port on my fermenter. I think you can use a thief to do that same for your self. You only need 5 - 10 ml.
Hey Brian, this can (and should!) be used to track the SG of wine during fermentation. It just needs to be de-gassed and filtered to remove any skins before being run through the easy dens. The previous question seemed to be geared towards tracking ABV which requires an OG and FG. We use this in our brewery to track fermentation progress daily. Wine should be no different.
It absolutely can. I use this specifically for mead actually, so basically the same concept.
The only thing you have to be mindful of is not getting bits of grape skin in the device. I run most of my beverages through a coffee filter first, and then into the device. When I’m done I flush it with warm distilled water.
I use mine to monitor fermentation, not as much as my refractometer, but I always use it to determine my end point. You just have to make sure you get all the gas out of the sample first. I just half fill the syringe and then give it extra space. After that I shake it vigorously to release the gas.
It will work for wine. It is a direct replacement for a hydrometer. You need to filter your sample and then inject about 2ml into the EasyDens to get a gravity reading. I do this in my nano brewery with beer to track daily gravity measurements
I've been very impressed with my unit and couldn't go back to my old methods of measuring SG. I am however very annoyed at the hidden charges for storing information within the app. After 10 batches a fee of $39.99 is now required, that is scandalous. Nowhere was this information visible when I purchased my init from MoreBeer. I guess Anton Par assumes that once you've brewed 10 bathes you now qualify as "Pro". This is an expensive quality instrument, please don't cheat us once we've purchased it.
It is a bit expensive but works great. The small samples and quick reading is awesome. No more constantly spinning a hydrometer or questioning rather or not it is accurate.
Expensive! But wow! It actually feels like a piece of professional lab equipment. It's so versatile beer, wine and spirits?! But, I wish you didn't have to use a smartphone. A great albeit expensive, have I mentioned it's expensive? Tool.
After using the DMA35 for years, I wasn't sure I could use something so "basic" for lack of better description. Aside from needing a smartphone to serve as the display, this is a slick, affordable unit that I'd recommend to and small to mid-sized brewery, or enthusiastic home brewer with 400$ to spend.
Super easy to use, requires hardly any liquid to test, and easy to clean. Be careful handling it, though, I dropped mine while trying to wrestle it back into the package and the thin glass tubing inside shattered. Still bought another one.
I was so sick of wasting so much beer taking large hydrometer samples. The EasyDens is so easy to operate and only requires a few ml of wort/beer. It’s not cheap but worth it to me!
Faster, cleaner, and takes less of your elixir. Plus it will store your batches geavity reading history and will even export that data. I’m using it for mead and it’s a wonderkind!
The Anton Pair EasyDens effortlessly measures ABV from 0 - 100% ethyl alcohol. And with automatic temperature compensation (using a Peltier chip), it measures faster and more precise than any hydrometer.
This is a great instrument, but fragile! I dropped my first one from about 8” and the oscillator tube inside broke. When I got done crying my wife said, “ order another one.” The app is easy to use and I get consistent, accurate readings. If you struggle to read a hydrometer and also want to save time, buy one, you won’t regret it. Just don’t drop it! A full syringe of hot wort takes less than 5 minutes to cool, and you only need 2 ml. This save a lot of time and messing around on brew day.
Its a bitt pricey but it works. No more huge samples just to measure how your ferment is coming along. No need to cool a huge sample down for the hydrometer. Easy to clean, just a few of syringes full of RO water pushed through. The owners manual is the only real complaint I have. I like a hard copy to look at. The app on my phone is very convenient and free. I am currently keeping track of 4 batches with it. Hopefully its also going to be a long lasting unit. I will see. Would recommend if you can afford the price.
Easydens device is so easy to use and from everything I have seen online, incredibly accurate. You need so small an amount of product (2ML) to test with. VERY easy to clean for next use. The only real CON is the price, which really if you are at the level where you are seriously considering this device, it really isnt that bad.
Easydens is not affected by temp so you can test at any stage from boil to final product at bottling. I have used it to test a few commercial beers to see what their FG is so I know what to aim for when/if I wish to clone their beer.
You can create a profile for each beer you are fermenting and the app will track the progress. ABV, attenuation etc. Makes it real easy to test and verify your fermentation is complete with MINIMAL loss of product. I am now more confident than ever in my ABV calculations, once beer has finished.
Incredible device that I highly recommend if it is within your budget to do so.
When I broke my fourth glass hydrometer, I bought 2 items. This hydrometer and a Herculometer (polycarbonate). I compared them to my last remaining glass hydrometer and they are were spot on the same. I use this one the most of all my different hydrometers. I love the fact I can assign results to any brew I want and see the chart of the gravity changes.
As others have commented regarding the instructions, what come inside the box are sparse. All of the more detailed manuals are found on their website which can be accessed through the app. The main instruction manual does not require an account, however there are some guides such as one for the old iOS app which do require you to create an account and wait to have it approved.
Regarding the device itself - Setup was simple. It recognized my phone right away. Adding liquid, taking measurements, recording them, etc. works great.
My only want is for the app to be just a little more user friendly. It's kind of clunky and it doesn't allow for manual input (I had a mead started that I wanted to manually record an OG for so that I could use the app to figure out the ABV but was unable to manually add a record.)
Still, in the end I think this will save me money and I've enjoyed using it.
Used in two different breweries with different measuring equipment to compare against. The Easy Dens was spot on accurate each time. Really useful when you're filling up your kettle to desired PB gravity.
This little guy is excellent for quickly and accurately grabbing a gravity reading. The capabilities to track fermentation by batch is great.
Note that if you use the syringe to degas the sample, expect to go through many syringes. The end of mine is breaking after about two weeks of taking daily samples. We ordered a pack of 100 from a medical supply store.
My biggest complaint is the app that is needed to go along with this. Capturing a reading is easy enough, but the adjusted gravity is not displayed on the screen when capturing the reading. You have to go into the batch info to actually see the temp-corrected value which is a pain when measuring warm wort.
In addition, I do not see how to identify ABV under the beer menu and when swapping to the ABV setting under the spirits portion, the ABV is not accurate.
Maybe some of these features are available when using the subscription version of the app but Anton Paar hasn't made it clear what additional benefits are available under the paid version.
I was a bit skeptical at first, but hot damn, this thing is spot on! We started by cross referencing known standards in the brewery, and it’s dead on. The data tracking is a nice feature, only bummer is having to pay for the app to export data. We have two of them now, one at each of our breweries. Great tool for the tool box without having to bankrupt yourself for other Anton Paar units.