The Buon Vino 6-Pad Wine Filter offers twice the filtering capacity of the Buon Vino 3-pad wine filter. One of the major bummers of filtering is when you are all set up and everything is flowing along nicely and then your filter clogs. You have to stop your operation and change pads. If you are homewinemaker filtering 60 or more gallons we recommend you step up to the Buon Vino 6 from the Buon Vino 3.
Filter package includes 8' of 1/2 ID tubing on the input side and 4' of 1/2" ID tubing on the output side. Input side includes sediment tip but we recommend our 1/2" Racking set up (
R310 or
R315). The output side comes with a hook for hanging to the side of the carboy. You may also want a racking cane (
R373 or
R376) on this output side so your receiving vessel fills from the bottom instead of the top (to reduce oxidation.)
Technical Specifications:
Delf-priming pump
Filtering surface area of 2400 square cm
Filtering rate: Approximately 270L per Hour
3 Grades of pads: coarse, polish, and sterilizing
Dimensions: 51 cm (length) x 26 cm (width) x 46 cm (height)
Weight: 14 kilograms