"West Coast Ale" yeast is known for its clean, neutral flavor profile and strong attenuation. With no overwhelming characteristics, this yeast lets your grain and hop choices shine!
BRY-97 gives you a quick start and vigorous fermentation, which can be completed in 4 days if kept above 63° F. The aroma is slightly estery, almost neutral and doesn’t display off-odors when handled properly. Because of its high flocculation, it may slightly reduce hop bitterness levels. Best results when used at traditional ale temperatures (62 - 72° F) and after rehydration in the recommended manner (see the documents tab for re-hydration procedure).
Beer Styles: American ales
Aroma: Neutral with slight ester
Attenuation: Medium to High
Fermentation Range: 59-72°F
Flocculation: High
Alcohol Tolerance: 13% ABV
*See the technical data sheet below for information on rehydration, usage and storage.