(Work day #1 of 2 work days — Estimated Time: 2–4 hrs.)
Step 1 – (Process Day #1 of 28) – Place 2–3 gallons of cold water into a Brewing Kettle (a sturdy metal kettle with minimum 5 gallon capacity).
Step 2 – Remove grain from Ingredient Kit and place into the nylon-mesh Grain Bag. Submerge bag in water.
Step 3 – When water temperature reaches 170˚F as measured by included thermometer, remove Grain Bag and discard grain. Continue heating water to a boil.
Step 4 – When water reaches a boil, turn off heat. Stir-in the Malt Extract and the first portion of Hops. Turn heat back on and continue boiling for one hour. Add the second portion of Hops, per recipe. |
Step 5 – After boiling one hour, cool Kettle by moving from stove into a sink filled with ice-water, or by running cold water around it. Cool until below 130˚F.
Step 6 – Sanitize the Fermenter using the materials supplied. Pour two gallons of cold water into Fermenter (pre-cool water in your refrigerator or freezer). Add the cooled-down-to-130˚F Wort to Fermenter. Top-off with cold water to the five gallon mark.
Step 7 – Add packaged Brewer's Yeast to Fermenter. Attach Stopper and Airlock. Store in cool, dark place. If a glass Fermenter, you can watch fermentation progress. |
Step 8 – (process days #1–14 of 28) – Wait two weeks for the Fermentation process to take its natural course. |
(Work Day #2 of 2 — Estimated Time: 1–2 hours.)
Step 9 – (process day #14 of 28 days) – Bottle your beer, then wait two weeks for carbonation to develop. Or, keg your beer, then wait only 2-7 days for carbonation.
Step 10 – (process day #28 of 28 ) – Enjoy your beer!
Higher Initial Cost • More & Better Equipment • Easier • Faster • Higher-Quality Beer
(Work day #1 of 2 work days — Estimated Time: 2–4 hrs.)
Step 1 – (Process Day #1 of 28)– Place 6 gallons of cold water into a Brewing Kettle (a sturdy metal kettle with minimum 7.5 gallon capacity). |
Step 2 – Remove grain from Ingredient Kit and place into the nylon-mesh Grain Bag. Submerge bag in water. |
Step 3 – When water temperature reaches 170˚F as measured by included thermometer, remove Grain Bag and discard grain. Continue heating water to a boil. |
Step 4 – When water reaches a boil, turn off heat. Stir-in the Malt Extract and the first portion of Hops. Turn heat back on and continue boiling for one hour. Add the second portion of Hops, per recipe. |
Step 5 – After boiling for 40 minutes, insert Wort Chiller (copper coils) directly into the boil. Continue boiling for 20 additional minutes. Turn off heat and start flowing cold water through wort chiller. |
Step 6 – Once Kettle has cooled to touch (70-80˚F), connect one end of clear Vinyl Tubing to the Ball Valve on the Kettle (if your kettle has a ball valve) and place other end of Tubing into a Fermenter that you have pre-sanitized using the materials supplied. Open Valve and allow five gallons of Wort to fill-up Fermenter. |
Step 7 – Add packaged Brewer's Yeast to Fermenter. Attach Stopper and Airlock. Store in cool, dark place. If a glass Fermenter, you can watch fermentation progress. |
Step 8 – (process days #1–14 of 28) – Wait two weeks for the Fermentation process to take its natural course. |
(Work Day #2 of 2 — Estimated Time: 1–2 hours.)
Step 9 – (process day #14 of 28 days) – Bottle your beer, then wait two weeks for carbonation to develop. Or, keg your beer, then wait only 2-7 days for carbonation.
Step 10 – (process day #28 of 28 ) – Enjoy your beer!