For homebrewing Lambic beer that is traditionally brewed in Belgium, see the Wyeast Liquid Yeast for Lambics available at MoreBeer! There are six different Lambic yeast in MoreBeer's inventory: Belgian Lambic Blend, Roeselare Belgian Sour Blend, Brettanomyces Bruxellensis, Lactobacillus, Brettanomyces Lambicus and Pediococcus. Maybe some of them aren't easy to pronounce or spell, but for many, these Belgian beers are something of a delicacy, and their availability at MoreBeer! is evidence of their commitment to catering to beer styles of all types. The Belgian Lambic Blend of yeast and bacteria comes from a Belgian brewery and is maintained with Belgian-style wheat beer yeast, a sherry yeast and some other key ingredients that produce a complex mixture.