


Extract Recipe for Beer - Malt Extract Kits

It won't take long for you to get going brewing great beer at home once you order a Malt Extract Beer Recipe Kit from MoreBeer! The freshest pre-measured ingredients, a step by step instruction sheet and a recipe log sheet with tap handle cutout are all standard inclusions in every malt extract recipe kit. 

IPA Extract Recipes & More!

MoreBeer! sells extract beer recipe kits designed as ales, lagers and other specialty beers in various styles such as IPA, Saison, Stout, Porter and More!  We also offer the BrewMaster Series, Signature Series and Single Hop Series. The BrewMaster Series of recipe kits are commercial beers that have been scaled down and offered as a 5.5 gallon kit, some of the most populars being Pliny the Elder, Pale 31, and Shallow Grave. 


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