


By Mike Blaesser

By Mike Blaesser When it comes to efficiency, only one number matters We brewers are an obsessive lot. We worry about everything.   My pH is too high or too low. I fermented too hot or too cold. I dry-hopped too long/too short. I’m sure I’ve ruined my beer....

Measurements in Brewing
By Jack Horzempa

By Jack Horzempa The importance of taking measurements “Measure twice and cut once”. That was the mantra of my woodshop teacher in high school. And for you South Park fans there is the infamous “Stop screwing around!”. I am a firm believer that if you...

Simple Laboratory Methods for Microbrewers
By Frank Commanday (Brewing Techniques)

By Frank Commanday (Brewing Techniques)     Quick Results for Quality Assurance The time normally associated with microbiological testing causes many brewers to view such work as tedious drudgery. A couple of relatively easy methods can make light work and...

Setting Up A Homebrew Laboratory
By Louis K. Bonham (Brewing Techniques)

By Louis K. Bonham     How to Set up a Small Brewing Laboratory This article inaugurates a new column dedicated to the experimental spirit of specialty brewing. Overseen by the self-described mad scientist of brewing himself, Louis Bonham, The Experimental Brewer...

Sources and Impact of Sulfites in Beer
By Scott Bickham (Brewing Techniques)

By Scott Bickham (Brewing Techniques)     Sulfur compounds are at the root of off-flavors as diverse as skunk, rubber, and vegetables, but they can also serve as antioxidants. This column focuses on the sources and control of sulfur flavors in beer.  ...

Understanding pH and It's Application in Small-Scale Brewing
By A.J. deLange

by A.J. deLange     Understanding pH and Its Application in Small-Scale Brewing—   Part I: Fundamentals and Relevance to Brewhouse Procedures     The question of pH often arises in brewing circles — what is it, why is...

Understanding pH of Beer and Mash pH
By Dave Miller (Brewing Techniques)

By Dave Miller (Brewing Techniques) Checking pH of Beer         Have any feedback on this article? We want to hear from you! Click here, to contact us with any feedback. Did you enjoy reading this article?...

HomeBrew Off Flavors and How to Avoid
By MoreBeer! Team

These are some of the many common off-flavors that can occur when brewing beer at home. Along with a description of these common flavors, we go over how some of the possible causes, as well as precautions that should be taken to avoid having them show up in your beer.   ...

The HBD Palexperiment - Lab Analysis (Part II)
By Louis K. Bonham (Brewing Techniques)

The HBD Palexperiment - Lab Analysis (Part II) by Louis K. Bonham (Brewing Techniques - Vol. 7, No.2) Louis Bonham concludes his two-part series analyzing the HBD Palexperiment beers. This time: final gravity, pH, CO2 and headspace air, and alcohol content. In the previous...

The HBD Palexperiment Results - Lab Analysis (Part I)
By Louis K. Bonham (Brewing Techniques)

The HBD Palexperiment Results - Lab Analysis (Part I) by Louis K. Bonham (Brewing Techniques - Vol. 7, No.1) Last year’s unprecedented HBD Palexperiment resulted in a large volume of data that will undoubtedly contribute significantly to the existing body of brewing...

The Great HBD Palexperiment
By John Varady (Brewing Techniques)

By John Varady (Brewing Techniques)   Home Brewers in Pursuit of Recipe Replication     More than 45 home brewers from coast to coast, introduced to each other through the internet, devised a homebrew version of the 1997 Oregon Pale Ale Experiment to...

Simple Lab Tests to Ensure Top-Quality Beer
By Louis K. Bonham (Brewing Techniques)

by Louis K. Bonham (Brewing Techniques)     Easy quality control tests let you identify the source of off-flavors and screen for bacterial infection at very little cost. They’re so easy, there’s no reason every brewer can’t do them.  ...

Fear of Phenols
By Steve Alexander (Brewing Techniques)

by Steve Alexander (Brewing Techniques)       A Guide to Coping with Brewing’s Most Contrary Chemicals   The dreaded precursors to chill haze and contributors of off-flavors and astringency, common phenols also play many beneficial...